Many of us that want to feel confident about our bodies in more revealing clothes (swimsuits come to mind). We work hard to trim down, lose the love handles or get rid of the belly fat. But there are often some bulges that just won’t budge. You know, those stubborn areas like the belly, lower back and thighs. You’ve developed healthier eating habits and you’re exercising regularly, why is it so much harder now to lose fat than 20 years ago? Here are a few explanations:
As we age, our metabolic rate slows which makes it harder to get rid of fat. This is due to a decline in our physical ability that starts around age 30. It’s not a coincidence that it’s around the same time when many world-class athletes start leaving their sport, or when those stubborn pockets of fat start to appear.
The rate of decline in physical ability depends upon both fitness level and lifestyle. Frequent dieting has also been shown to affect the metabolic rate as well, and not in a good way. People who diet frequently actually have a significant decline, so dieting (especially crash diets) may actually make it more difficult to get rid of that belly fat or lose those love handles.
Unfortunately, there is no age-related appetite decline. Most people continue to consume the same amount of calories that they did 20 years ago, but have become more sedentary, resulting in weight gain.
Now for the good news. If you’re one of those people who has been living a healthier lifestyle and can’t figure out how to lose the fat that resists diet and exercise, give us a call and ask about our body sculpting treatments. Both CoolSculpting and Lipodissolve are two options that may help get rid of belly fat, lose the love handles and more.
Contact us to book a consultation with Dr. Marcia Fleming to come up with a body sculpting solution that works best for you.