When it comes to reducing brown spots, redness and other cosmetic concerns from the face, over the counter products often fall short of desired results. At Delta Laser Centre, our IPL photorejuvenation treatment can restore clear, healthy skin without surgery or downtime.
Located in Delta, British Columbia, Delta Laser Centre is led by Dr. Marcia Fleming. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out if you are a candidate for IPL photorejuvenation.
Short for Intense Pulsed Light, IPL photorejuvenation is also known as a photofacial. This popular treatment features multiple wavelengths of pulsed light that treat a wide range of skin conditions underneath the skin surface.
IPL photorejuvenation has been shown to successfully treat several cosmetic skin concerns on the face, hands, neck and chest, including:
When compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments such as chemical peels and other lasers, IPL photorejuvenation has several advantages:
During your consultation at Delta Laser Centre, our medical team will evaluate your individual condition and other factors to determine if IPL photofacial is right for you. Ideal candidates are typically light-skinned individuals without a tan, and we will help you determine the best course of treatment to achieve your desired results.
While other skin rejuvenation treatments can irritate or damage the skin and cause scarring, IPL photorejuvenation is proven to be safe and effective with no healing time necessary. A few days of slight redness are commonly experienced after treatment, but should subside quickly.
While IPL photorejuvenation can improve the look and feel of your skin after just one treatment, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired results. As the skin ages, maintenance sessions are typically recommended in order to add longevity to your clearer, healthier skin.
Contact Delta Laser Centre today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out if you are a candidate for IPL photorejuvenation.